Regional Plays Matter
Expanding your business internationally is easier than ever before but it's more difficult than you think. Which marketplaces perform best regionally should make a difference in where you choose to expand and without knowing that, your plan to expand could fail. Remember that localization makes a difference.
Mo Money Mo Problems
The retail space is seeing a ton of capital comes it's way, with ecommerce being the predominate sector getting the largest influx. Why is this happening? What are VC firms seeing that the regular consumer doesn't? Are they winning? Listen in to find out more.
Consumers Are Changing The Rules of the Game
As Amazon blazes the path forward in ecommerce, consumers are becoming used to the perks of being a Prime member. This has changed the entire landscape of both ecommerce and brick & mortar stores.
Brand, Brand, Brand
Brands have to tell relevant stories to play #thelongergame today. We've been communicating through stories for millennia and they resonate so strongly with us because of our communal nature. If your brand isn't telling the right story or a relevant one, you're likely to be dead in the water. Get your brand's message on point and grow your brand successfully.
Oh The Trouble I’ve Seen
Being in retail isn't so easy, Amazon specifically. Brands want to sell their product but when you play with the big boys and girls, you play by their rules. Amazon has complications unique to their marketplace and you have to know what you're getting into before you set foot on the playground or the court.