How To Deliver High Quality Work And Still Be Kind To Your Team
Agencies often get business wrong. Why? Because they focus on growth at all costs and push their employees and team members beyond their limits, which leads to them eventually burning out and clients becoming dissatisfied. George Reid, the Founder of the Amazon Ad's Agency Georges Blog, has decided to go a different route. The world of advertising on Amazon has continued to grow in complexity. While George keeps pace with those new levers being added, he has decided to grow by focusing on developing and caring for a strong team that leads to better client success. When most agencies double down on fast growth, which often isn't sustainable, George is okay to grow slowly and do it well. Meet the most laid back of self-proclaimed coffee snobs who also has a slight taste for pain in running ultramarathons.

The Pain of Finding Good Talent
Trouble finding good talent? Welcome to the club. The whole freelancer concept is incredibly powerful in it's flexibility and potential but finding the right person who can actually do what they say they can is no easy feat. The amount of markup on those freelancer's fees can also mean that brands end up being misled on the level of knowledge of said freelancer. Needless to say, there is room for improvement. Jai Dolwani, CEO of The Starters, a curated freelancer marketplace with vetted ecommerce talent, knows the pain of this process and is out to right the wrongs he experienced as the CMO at Winc, the well known internet based wine club. Pour some wine, swirl your glass, and open up your pallete to new ways to solve problems in the world of ecommerce.

It Takes Time: When Agencies Over Promise And Brands Miss The Mark
By now it should be clear that running a brand is not an easy task. And brands sometimes make it harder on themselves. They think short term. What is my RoAS? Can I get away with basic creative? The problem is those short term fixes prevent them from seeing the long term growth they really desire. Agencies can help but when they can't deliver on the promises they make in the sales process, it makes it even harder for those brands to really win. Co-Founder and CMO of Webtopia, Jessie Healy, joins us on this episode of The Longer Game to share her insights from the brand side that led to her moving agency side, creating the "anti-agency." Does this strike your curiosity? Press play and let's begin.

Do You Really Want To Grow That Big? Failure And Success In Ecommerce 🌱
Being an ecommerce business at $5M and $500M are very different. And the path there isn't always possible for every brand. In ecommerce, there are very specifics parts of your businesses DNA that are required to really grow exponentially and not every brand will have the right pieces to grow super large. You should also ask yourself, do you even want to grow that big? Andrew Faris, Founder of AJF Growth, joins me to share his wisdom and insight on all these topics. After working brand side, moving to an aggregator, back to brand, and now living in agency life, Andrew has seen a lot and this episode doesn't even capture it all. Let's get started, so grab a drink and hold on.

The Race to the Bottom: How People Persevere in the Midst of Crisis
Amazon Aggregators have started to fail in a challenging economic climate with changing consumer behavior and people are piling on. Were some of us expecting failure? Sure. But majority of new businesses fail. So how is that different? Well Nathan Sieminski, formerly of Perch, one of the largest aggregators raising just over $900M, shares his experience working there and sheds line on the reality of that environment. Spoiler alert, it's different than you expected. We chat about how Walmart is bringing the heat and how the battle for ecommerce dominance is shaping up. Grab a seat, get a drink, and settle in for a conversation between two humans who want to see people win.